Elena' s AI Blog

Leveraging Git Tags

21 Jul 2023 / 8 minutes to read

Elena Daehnhardt

Midjourney, July 2023


In software development, Git tags are crucial in organizing and tracking specific points in a repository’s history. These tags commonly mark release points, such as “v1.0” or “v2.0,” enabling efficient version management. Understanding how to work with Git tags is essential for effective collaboration and control over your codebase. This post explains git tags usage in detail.

Listing Your Tags

When listing your tags, use the command “git tag” to see a comprehensive list, including tags like “v1.0” and “v2.0.”

git tag

If you want to filter the tags based on a pattern, try using “git tag -l ‘v*’” to display tags starting with “v”.

git tag -l "v*"

Annotated Tags

Annotated tags in Git provide additional information, such as a tag message or author details. Creating an annotated tag is simple. The easiest way is to use the -a option when running the tag command, along with the tag name and a message:

git tag -a v1 -m "version 1"

This command creates an annotated tag named v1 with the message “version 1”. You can view the details of an annotated tag using the show command:

git show v1

This will display the tag message, commit details, and any other relevant information associated with the tag.

tag v1
Tagger: Elena  <my_email@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Jun 18 15:09:31 2023 +0200

version 1

commit d77ebd3a1c62fcd2c12c743cf13751b317d8328b (tag: v1)
Author: Elena  <my_email@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Jun 18 14:47:00 2023 +0200

Pushing Tags to the Remote Repository

To share your tags with others, push them to the origin repository. For pushing a specific tag, execute “git push origin ." For example, use "git push origin v1" to push the tag "v1" to the remote repository. Alternatively, you can push multiple tags at once using "git push origin --tags."

For example, to push the v1 tag to the remote repository, you would run the following:

git push origin v1

If you have multiple tags and want to push all of them to the remote repository, you can use the –tags option:

git push origin --tags

This command pushes all the tags in your local repository to the remote repository.

Detached HEAD State

Sometimes, you may want to inspect a specific tag in your repository without checking out the associated commit. You can use the checkout command with the tag name in such cases. However, this puts your repository in a “detached HEAD” state, meaning you are no longer on a branch, and new commits will not belong to any branch.

This command will switch your repository to the commit associated with the v1 tag, but you will be in a detached HEAD state, while new commits will not be part of any branch.

git checkout v1

Resolving commits made in a detached HEAD state requires a few steps to bring them into a branch. Here’s a guide to resolving commits in detached branch mode:

Identify the detached commit

Use the git log command to locate the commit hash or any identifiable information about the commit you made in the detached HEAD state. Refer to the Git Basics - Viewing the Commit History for different variations of the “git log” command.

Create a new branch

Create a new branch at the commit where you detached your HEAD. Run the following command, replacing with your desired branch name:

git branch <branchname> <commit>

This command creates a new branch named my_branch at the commit with the hash COMMIT_ID.

git branch my_branch COMMIT_ID

Checkout the new branch

Switch to the newly created branch using the checkout command:

git checkout my_branch

Merge or cherry-pick the detached commit

Once you’re on the new branch, you can bring the detached commit into the branch’s history.


If you want to merge the detached commit with the current branch, run the following:

git merge COMMIT_ID

This command merges the commit COMMIT_ID into the current branch.


If you only want to apply the changes made in the detached commit, you can cherry-pick it onto the current branch. Use the following command:

git cherry-pick COMMIT_ID

This command applies the changes from commit COMMIT_ID onto the current branch.

Be cautious when cherry-picking as it creates new commits, potentially altering the commit history.

Resolve any conflicts

If conflicts occur during the merge or cherry-pick process, Git will prompt you to resolve them manually. Open the affected files, resolve the conflicts, save the changes, and then proceed with either git merge –continue or git cherry-pick –continue, depending on your operation.

Following these steps, you can successfully resolve commits made in the detached HEAD state and bring them into a branch, incorporating the changes into your project’s commit history.

Creating a Branch from a Tag

If you want to create a branch based on a specific tag, you can use the checkout command with the -b option followed by the branch name and the tag name:

git checkout -b version1 v1

This command creates a new branch named version1, starting from the commit associated with the v1 tag.

For more information and advanced techniques on tagging in Git, you can refer to the Git Basics - Tagging.

Remember, Git tags are powerful tools for organizing and referencing specific points in your repository’s history, enabling efficient collaboration and version management.

Mastering Git tags empowers you to efficiently manage your repository’s history, navigate release points, and ensure seamless collaboration. By implementing best practices for version control and leveraging the capabilities of Git tags, you can enhance your development workflow and streamline your software projects.


Git tags are a powerful tool for managing repository history, marking release points, and organising versions in software development projects. You can optimise version control and enhance collaboration by understanding how to create and utilise annotated tags, push them to remote repositories, and work with branches based on tags. Mastering Git tags empowers developers to efficiently navigate through the history of their codebase, ensuring seamless version management and facilitating successful software projects.

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Disclaimer: I have used chatGPT and Midjourney while preparing this post, and this is why I have listed the chatGPT in my references section. However, most of the text is rewritten by me, as a human, and spell-checked with Grammarly.


  1. Git Basics - Tagging
  2. Git Basics - Viewing the Commit History
  3. New Chat (chatGPT by OpenAI)
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About Elena

Elena, a PhD in Computer Science, simplifies AI concepts and helps you use machine learning.

Elena Daehnhardt. (2023) 'Leveraging Git Tags', daehnhardt.com, 21 July 2023. Available at: https://daehnhardt.com/blog/2023/07/21/git-tags/
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