Elena' s AI Blog


The Token Way to GitHub Security

In this brief post I describe the setup and usage of GitHub personal access tokens.

The SSH host key mystery

What do you call a developer who's afraid of the dark? A Git-in-the-middle attacker! But seriously, if you've ever seen a warning message about a changed SSH host key while pushing code changes, don't panic - it might just be a legitimate update. To fix the issue, simply delete the saved RSA key fingerprint and let the SSH client verify the new one. And remember, always keep an eye out for those pesky man-in-the-middle attackers lurking in the shadows! You can learn how to create and use SSH keys, explained so simply in this post.

MAC OS Speed Up

After a while, my Mac OS computer started to work slower. I have searched for possible solutions to run my computer faster without much latency. We can upgrade our computer storage and install a more powerful processor unit to speed up Mac OS. In this blog post, I will, however, focus on a more straightforward way without any system upgrades, which are costly and take time.

GitHub Codespaces

GitHub codespaces provide a development environment running in the cloud. A codespace environment is created with the help of configuration files added to a GitHub repository.

TensorFlow on M1

TensorFlow is a free OS library for machine learning created by Google Brain. Tensorflow has excellent functionality for building deep neural networks. I have chosen TensorFlow because it is pretty robust, efficient, and can be used with Python. Since I like Jupyter Notebooks and Conda, they were also installed on my system. Next, I am going through simple steps to install TensorFlow and the packages above on M1 macOS Monterey.